A Raised Fist & A Helping Hand


Films about the We Shall Overcome movement

“We Shall Overcome – the movie” Trailer
For the past couple of years filmmaker Michael Lee Toas has been tirelessly travelling the country documenting the movement at events, with a view to creating a film. This short trailer shows some of the events.

We Shall Overcome 2015 – how it all started
This short film by Wayne Sables documents our first year and includes an interview with Joe Solo, Matt Hill and Tony Wright talking about the origins of We Shall Overcome

Pauline Town – Pride of Manchester 
A feature on pub landlady Pauline Town who, under the We Shall Overcome banner, feeds around 60 people every day and has helped house over 300 homeless people.

Songs about the We Shall Overcome movement

“The Dreamers” – Steve Roberts
Song written in 2015 to celebrate our first year.

“We Shall Overcome – updated” Gerry O’Gorman
Gerry O’Gorman has updated the old classic to celebrate our movement.

“One life at a time” Joe Solo 
Joe’s tribute to Pauline Town and a song getting to the heart of what We Shall Overcome is all about. “Poverty’s a punishment that has no crime and if I have to I will save the world one life at a time”